Going to Brno for a week of awesome.
Tomorrow David Edmunson, Vishesh Handa and I will be taking a plane from Barcelona with final destination Brno to meet for a pre-PIM sprint hackathon with the Czech KDE hackers (Lukáš Tinkl , Jan Grulich, Dan Vrátil, Martin Bříza, Martin Klapetek), is in this ocasions where one comes to appreciate that we can do our jobs from anywhere.
We decided to go this early (4 days before the actual sprint starts) because we all have to work on things with somebody close to the Brno RedHat office in a variety of topics:
- Working on PowerDevil for Plasma2 (at least Lukáš and I)
- Moving KScreen forward, fixing bugs etc (Dan and I)
- KDE Startup (Martin K, David, Martin B and I)
- KDE Telepathy (David and Martin K)
- KPeople (Vishesh, Martin K, David)
- Metadata system (Vishesh and Dan)
- Login manager (David and Martin B)
- And more
If you haven't noticed, all those things have nothing to do with PIM! So it is a perfect time to introduce a new concept in KDE, the pre-sprint hackathons !
Even though I hate being on the road, I can't wait to arrive to Brno and start this week, I'm sure it is going to be ton of fun and a lot of new things will come out of it.
Cheers !