Meet the KDE TeaTime !
For a few weeks now 3 other KDE hackers and I have been doing a videocast/podcast/show/thing about KDE. It is a completely unprofessional unprepared amateur show where we basically talk about a different topic every week without having any script, we say things as we think them. it Doesn't matter if they are politically correct or not.
My main motivation for having this show is to open a door to the insides of KDE. This door is open both ways so the communication should and must be from Developers to Users and the other way around, so please participate !
Some urls of interest:
We are looking for all kind of participation, just to mention a few from the top of my head:
- Leave feedback so we can improve
- Ask questions of any kind!
- Propose topics for future teatimes
- Propose people to interview (and questions for these people)
- Whatever you can think of :p
We usually do the shows every Tuesday at 16:00 CET but in anycase check the latest news and dates in our social sites.
So, join us and have a good time!