Where have I been?

I can’t imagine anything worse than waking up every morning without any energy for going to work.

The first time I heard that statement I was 17 and it made an impression on me. It made me think of how we use our limited time, which roughly is: 1/3 sleeping, 1/3 at work and 1/3 at what we call spare time. We can’t control how much we need to sleep, but we can take a stance on the other two thirds (work and spare time).

And this is the reason behind my disappearance, my job at BlueSystems was not fun anymore and every project I mantained at KDE felt more like a chore than anything else. After a month of not jumping out of the bed to head to work it was time to move on. So I passed maintainership to the people that were actually doing the job (special mention to David) and I quit my job as a full time KDE hacker.

Nowadays I am working at a company called eyeOS, but more on that in the next post :)

I appreciate all the people that have been asking how I have been during this last year, my apologies for disappeararing without notice.
